Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Salmon, Dill & Avocado Potato Salad

Another reason to move to CA. Exhibit A: Amazing avocados, only $0.89/ea.


Put that ‘ish in anything and everything. It was the shining star in this potato salad. I picked up the missing ingredients from a couple grocery stores on my walk home from work. Yep, walk home from work. It’s my new approach to working out. You kill multiple birds with one stone: grocery shopping, exercise, commuting. A 1.3 mile walk home is hardly a workout, you say? It is when you’re essentially rock climbing up the streets of San Francisco with a gym bag and groceries.


But enough patting myself on the back. This recipe is great. Easy, delicious and healthy. The cooking trifecta.


Salmon, Dill & Avocado Potato Salad

4 red potatoes
4 ounces smoked salmon, flaked
1/2 English cucumber, diced
1 avocado, diced
1 green onion, diced
2 tablespoons fresh dill, chopped
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
1 cup cooked red quinoa
salt and pepper
dash cayenne

Arugula and additional lemon juice *optional

In a medium pot, boil red potatoes for 15-17 minutes or until tender. Dice potatoes into 1” chunks. In a large bowl, combine salmon, cucumber, avocado, potatoes and quinoa. In a small bowl, combine yogurt with lemon juice, green onion and dill. Add yogurt mixture to bowl with potato mixture and toss to coat. Salt and pepper to taste and sprinkle with cayenne and extra dill. Serve over a bed of arugula or by itself.

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