Tuesday, July 19, 2016

6 Month Digression

So, 6 months ago from Thursday was when I wrote my last post. I could blame the fact that I met my wonderful boyfriend exactly 6 months ago today, but I don't think that's entirely fair. Besides date nights and hanging with friends, there has been a whole lot of work that has consumed basically all of my physical and mental energy. Namely, a certain 26 floor tower I'm filling with furniture (only 10 more floors to go..!). I've thought about my blog a lot, not sure how to dive back in. While I've been cooking all along the way, the thought of getting back in front of a computer screen at the end of the day isn't super appealing. Plus, maybe there's a new Silicon Valley that needs watching? There's nothing wrong with routine - I crush routines - but when you're letting a less-than-soul-satisfying job get in the way of doing the things you love, you've gotta reevaluate your priorities. More on next steps soon. For now, I'm checking back in on my little blog.

Below is a snapshot of my Tuesday through food, which is probably the most interesting lens I could've used.

I'm obsessed with overnight oats. You can put literally anything into them. They have a sturdier shelf life than yogurt, which is important when I walk 4 miles to work in summer heat fog. This morning's batch was made up of 1/2 a banana, handful of client's seed/raisin/nut mix and organic blueberries all mixed together with oats and almond milk. Meanwhile, across the street, a monster tower goes up reminding me that this furniture life just keeps going. And going.

There are some perks to working from a tech company's office. Fresh produce is top of that list. A yellow nectarine tided me over until a 1pm client lunch at Wayfare Tavern

I ordered the Sonoma chicken salad tartine. The monster sandwich was topped with peaches, radishes and squiggly greens. I opted for a side salad instead of fries, but they were sweet enough to still give me ketchup. Just in case?

I was #blessed enough to be able to work from home for the rest of the day. Working from home can either be head-down, crank out work time or schizophrenic, multi-tasking mayhem. Today was the latter. Laundry + emails + on the phone with my mom + food blog on second screen + drinking a beer (it was at least 5:04 by that point). I probably did a really good job at all of those things...

Dinner is my happy place. While I love cooking for other people, I usually give myself permission to experiment throwing weird things together on a plate when I'm only feeding myself. You might not think of roasted sweet potato, tuna, blue cheese and avocado as an obvious combination, but it was delicious, briny and pretty darn healthy. The vinaigrette made it: olive oil, quince vinegar, honey, whole grain mustard.

My dessert was unearthing my blog and writing this post! And chocolate, obviously. 

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