Sunday, October 21, 2012

Home on the Hill

After almost 5 months without a permanent address, I have moved to my new house in Russian Hill. When you have no furniture to your name, moving can be overwhelming. I needed EVERYTHING.


After the help of my aunt, friends with cars, taxis from Target and Mattress Discounters delivery men, my room is starting to show potential.


But what really makes a house a home is the kitchen. Ours is wonderfully spacious and well lit with great views.


(View from the back door) And for the brave, there is even access to the roof by way of a precariously steep ladder.


To break her in, I whipped together a batch of Tollhouse cookie dough - which I store in the freezer and cut off chunks to bake a cookie whenever my heart desires. This afternoon’s cookie had a spoonful of peanut butter baked into it Winking smileAnd if you cant tell… this is the kind of cookie you eat with a spoon, baked just a step above raw dough.


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