Saturday, December 5, 2015

Easy Vegan Cinnamon Rolls with Creem Cheeze Frosting

When it's Saturday night and you're home alone, what is one supposed to do? Call their mom and ask them, obviously. My mom told me to bake. So, cinnamon rolls it is! Also these are vegan cinnamon rolls, so they must be healthy.... Oh wait, no. They're not. But they're still pretty damn good. Plus when the alternative on a Saturday night would be consuming 2-3 $13 manhattans, everything is put in perspective. 

I've always been intimidated by cinnamon rolls (aside from the break and bake version - I mastered those at an early age). This recipe from Minimalist Baker really dumbs it down to a few ingredients and straight forward steps. 

The delicate part is the chemistry behind the rolls. Yeast has to activate. Knead enough, but not too much, to make the dough elastic. Then wait...and hope... that it doubles. 

It worked! Phew. 
Gratitude Journal Entry: I'm thankful for chemistry. A lot of chemistry is used in baking. Baked goods make people happy... Chemistry makes people happy. 

Roll it out, sprinkle all the goodness, roll it up, slice. 

Your home will smell like a seasonal scented candle in the process.

I will say that vegan cream cheese isn't going to fool anyone for the real thing, but in the frosting it works just fine. 

1.5 rolls later, I can confirm that these are fluffy and delicious. 

Recipe for the rolls can be found on Minimalist Baker. The frosting recipe was my own spin...

Creem Cheeze Frosting
4 ounces Daiya dairy free cream cheese
1 cup powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
3-5 tablespoons almond milk 

Bring cream cheese to room temperature and add to mixing bowl with powdered sugar, vanilla and 3 tablespoons almond milk. Stir to combine ingredients and add almond milk by the tablespoon to thin as needed. Drizzle over warm (but not piping hot) cinnamon rolls. Lick the spoon. 

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