Sunday, June 19, 2011

Shrimp, Goat Cheese & Mango Quesadillas

Happy father’s day to all. I had great father’s day-ish weekend. Evan’s dad came to town and took us to dinner and the US Open, where we followed around Evan’s old golf buddy, Webb Simpson. It’s amazing how good a hot dog can taste after walking up and down hills for 5 hours! But Congressional Country Club isn’t a bad place to find yourself…
(picture from website)
Tonight’s dinner was shrimp, goat cheese and mango quesadillas dipped into some salsa verde. Cilantro would have been a great addition if I had it, but I hate buying a bunch of herbs when I only need a few sprigs. Regardless, these were tasty!
flour tortillas
shrimp, halved
lemon or lime juice
goat cheese
muenster (or jack – for melting purposes)
diced mango
diced red onion

Cook the shrimp in butter with cayenne and lime juice until done. Slice in half and stack everything into the quesadilla. Coat pan with butter and cook quesadillas until cheese is melted. IMG_0931

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